Wednesday, July 10, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 1 | Bookish Confessions

I ran across this today and decided to participate in Good Books & Good Wine's 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge. :)  It's a chance to get to know each other a bit better and have fun doing it.

What is it, you may be asking? Well, she has a list all made up (see below) and each day you answer a different question or write based on the prompt. Easy peasy, right? Probably not, but fun nonetheless. If you're interested, just click on the link to learn more.

Day 1: Book Related Confessions

  1. I judge. Definitely. I will totally judge a book by its cover. Don't judge me. You do it too. 
  2. I refuse to dog-ear my pages. I will use something, anything, if I don't have a bookmark handy. I've used post-its, mail, pictures, napkins... and sometimes have even resorted to memorizing the page number. 
  3. Unless I have protected the dust jacket by covering it, I typically remove it when reading a book to preserve it. 
  4. I won't read in bed. I'll never sleep.
  5. I can't read in a car - I'll puke on the book and then be sad.
  6. I dropped a book in the tub when I was ten - The Witch of Blackbird Pond, to be exact. I haven't read in a tub since. And I still own that book, water damaged and all.
  7. I will do nearly anything else while reading, though. Cook, eat, clean, change a diaper... sometimes I just REALLY don't want to put it down.
  8. I rarely will buy the first copy of a book I pick up off the shelf - I will look to see which one is the best shape before picking one.
  9. Sometimes... *gasp*... I skim. If it's slow going, or if it's just going on and on about the same thing for a page or two, I will totally skim.
  10. I get frustrated when my covers don't match on my shelf. Like Shatter Me, for instance. I want both it and Unravel Me in hardcover, but they don't match. :(  I hate when they change it.
  11. I will not write in my books. I will post it note the crap out of it, but I won't write in it.
  12. I work in a library and still every book I check out is late.
  13. I am anal about reading a series in order, even if it's not necessary, and will seriously be upset with people for *not* reading them in order. 
  14. I organize all my books by author... I blame this on my profession. I tried to organize by size, color, etc, but I just couldn't do it. Besides, it makes it that much easier to find. (My DVDs are alphabetized as well... lol)
  15. I tend to avoid movies that derived from books, unless a friend is going as well. I'm always scared it won't live up (which it never rarely does).

What about you? Any bookish confessions?

1 comment:

  1. Well since I don't have a blog, I'm just going to play along here some ;) And I won't subject you to a whole list of 15 (OK, I might just be too lazy to think up 15 of my own, lol). But I *will* totally comment on yours!

    2. I will admit to resorting to even (clean, of course) TP at times. No I don't NEED to read in the bathroom, but you know you don't stop for that either ... Just saying.

    4. I do sometimes read in bed. It does, in fact, hinder the sleeping.

    6. I broke down and read a book in the tub on Sunday. I was scared, but darn it, this pregnant girl needed a bath *and* a book at the end of a long weekend. No issues ensued.

    10. Me too! Which is why I love my Delirium (Lauren Oliver) that you gave me because it matches the whole set, but I'm sad I can't have the original cover too ...

    11. I wouldn't even write in my Bible back when I was a good girl and went to church with my mom (AKA when I lived with her) even when our pastor *told* us to highlight/underline something. I think you get struck by lightening for that!

    12. I mean it happens .... Also, we don't get that many perks, right? I may not know what a bonus is, but I don't pay late fees!

    14. Um ditto. Also I have Adult/YA/Children's fiction/Nonfic "sections." And I obsess over what goes where. It's not weird ...

    15. You were right with "never" :'(


Thank you so much for taking your time to share your thoughts! I try to respond to everyone. :)